
Please note: CFC weather reporting will be on a monthly basis as we work to update our weather station. We thank you for your patience!

Historical Data

The Cloquet Forestry Center has more than 100 years of daily weather data available for researchers. Data include minimum/maximum temperatures, precipitation, snow fall, snow depth, wind direction, and extreme temperature records.

Staff at the Cloquet Forestry Center have been collecting data since 1912. Our data meets the standards of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Browse historical CFC weather data. To access weather data:

  • Click "Single Station,"
  • Select the data you want,
  • Click "Station Selection"
  • Type CLOQUET.
  • Select the Cloquet station from the map.
  • Click GO.
  • Use the "Single Station" menu to select the type of data you want.

For additional help contact Kyle Gill.

Station Information

Station NameCLOQUET
CountyCarlton County (FIPS 27017)
Climate divisionEAST CENTRAL (MN06)
Station ids
  • 211630 (Coop)
  • USC00211630 (GHCN)
  • CLQM5 (NWS LI)
Latitude46.7054 degrees
Longitude-92.5239 degrees
Elevation1265 feet
Start of consistent data availability
  • Max Temperature: 1911-01-01
  • Min Temperature: 1911-01-01
  • Precipitation: 1911-04-01
  • Snowfall: 1949-01-01
  • Snow depth: 1951-02-09
  • Seasonal evaporation pan data 05-15-1983

Monthly weather reports